Wczesna diagnoza i leczenie. Droga do powrotu do zdrowia po urazie mózgu (TBI)
Uraz mózgu (TBI) stanowi poważne wyzwanie zdrowotne, które dotyka miliony osób na całym świecie każdego roku. Jednakże, postępy w medycynie  rzucają światło na znaczenie wczesnego wykrywania i szybkiego leczenia, oferując nadzieję oraz znacznie lepsze wyniki dla osób dotkniętych tym schorzeniem. więcej»



Our referrals come from physicians in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut as well as from current patients who have recommended us to family and friends. We are grateful for the continuing trust that these referrals attest to.

"Dr. Rosenbaum, you were the first doctor that I saw that took me seriously and I wanted to say thank you for showing me that there are some doctors that do still care. You'll never know how much your kidness meant. Thank you for all you have done".

- Sara E. Daly

"As a patient of Dr. Rosenbaum I can truthfully say that he is a great doctor. Not only is he extremely thorough and compassionate, he is real person. He has taken care of me and my family as if we were his own. We can not say enough about him and his staff. I have referred many friends and family members to Dr. Rosenbaum. We love him!"

- Frank Searfoss

"Never heard anything on the subject of pain management but after I went through five years of personal extreme pain seeing all types of doctors after a terrible car accident, it was not until I met my current neurologist who set up my referral for me and once meeting Dr Nasiek in the fifth year of my ordeal, Dr Nasiek, convinced me of three things right away: 1. his ability, 2. his motivation and 3. his attitude. In my opinion most doctors lack some or all three of these skills, while some doctors may not want to lose you as a patient or even keep you in the dark about such doctors as Dr Nasiek. I've been personally knocked down eight times but Dr Nasiek has helped me get up that ninth time. What if I met Dr Nasiek several years ago... ?"

- Robert Spadavecchia